

Most of our courses are designed using the Specification of Competency Standards (“SCS”) under the Qualifications Framework (“QF”) for Security Services and the respective Units of Competency (“UOC”) are listed in the course brochure.


We strive to get our courses QF-recognised by putting them through the quality-assurance process of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (“HKCAAVQ”).  This status will also be reflected in the course brochure.

Awards and Recognition

  • A “Certificate of Completion” will be issued to each participant who successfully completed a course.
  • Participants who successfully completed courses as shown in the chart will be issued with a “Certificate/Diploma in Security Management” as appropriate.
  • The holder of a “Certificate/Diploma in Security Management” is recognized as having met the “Qualification” criterion of the “Member/Certified Member” category of IPSA(HK).
  • Achievements of our course participants are searchable in our “Find an Alumni” page.