- 報名手續是在身份證副本、繳款證明及報讀要求的指定學術/專業資格證明經提交及被接受後才算完成.
- HKIOS會於開課前不少於一星期以電郵確認您的報讀申請。一經確認,您繳交的學費將不會被退回.
- HKIOS 保留拒絕任何入學申請的權力。
- 具備不少於6年保安服務工作經驗,其中至少3年是屬於督導或以上級別;或
- 已經完成等同保安服務業資歷架構第3級的培訓,或已具備相關的知識和技能 (例如:透過「過往資歷認可」機制得到確認);及
- 具備中三或以上學歷。
- 課堂討論
- 實習
- 期末考試
- 獲得結業證書;
- 如再完成其他3個指定單元,將可獲得《保安管理證書》;
- 被國際專業保安協會(香港)認可為符合其會籍架構晉升的專業學術資格要求。
- 表現出對保安經理合理期望的道德和誠信的承諾;
- 具備與香港保安業相關的法律和法規的知識和了解;
- 從相關的法律資料來源蒐集信息,分析問題,並做出明智的決定。
- 香港法律制度
- 保安牌照和培訓要求
- 行為和績效標準
- 僱傭責任
- 職業安全和健康
- 謹慎責任與服務標準
- 管理場地的安全和秩序
- 工作場所的暴力罪行
- 個人私隱與工作場所的監控活動
- 私家路交通管制
- 執行拘捕和搜查
- 應對影響私人地方的安全和秩序的違法行為
- 應對違反公安條例的違法行為
- 個案研究
費用² ³HK$6,000
注1: 總學習時數包括本課程相關的自我學習、課堂、考試及課後作業.
注2: 同時報讀《保安管理證書》課程全部4個單元課程者,可獲九折優待.注 3: 其他優惠包括支持機構成員及4人以上團體報名可獲減免10%費用。所有折扣優惠只能單一使用,不可以同時使用。
能力單元: | 請參閱其他三個指定的單元課程 |
資歷架構級別: | 第 4 級 |
資歷架構認可: | 尚未啓動 |
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Copyright © 2025 The Hong Kong Institute of Security Limited. All rights reserved.
Penny Fung
- Penny served in the Hong Kong Police in 1976-1993, primarily in criminal investigation with special focus on commercial crime investigation and crime prevention. She left as a Detective Senior Inspector.
- Penny served in two international banks in Asia. She served in the Standard Chartered Bank in 1993-2000 and left as its Area Head – Security & Operations Risk Management for Hong Kong, China, and Northeast Asia. She also served in the Bank of America and later Bank of America Merrill Lynch in 2006-2011 as its Regional Director of Security and Regional Director of Investigations in Asia.
- Penny has been a security risk consultant since 2000. She was the Associate Managing Director of Kroll Associates (Asia) Ltd. in 2000-2003 and has been the Principal Consultant of “K2 Consulting Co. Ltd. (K2)” since 2011.
- Penny founded K2 in 2003, which initially focused on offering security management training and later expanded to security consulting services. K2 had been the training partner of the “International Professional Security Association – Hong Kong (IPSA HK)” until the establishment of the Hong Kong Institute of Security in 2022.
Penny has been a pioneer in promoting professional development of the security services in Hong Kong since the 1990’s:
- Penny was the Chairperson of IPSA HK in 1993-2003 and 2009-2011 and led in re-defining the criteria for membership advancement to include professional qualifications and practical working experiences.
- Penny was an appointed member of the Security Services Training Board of the Vocational Training Council (“VTC”) in 1998-2006 and led in the first manpower survey of the security industry in Hong Kong, among others.
- Penny was a Board Director of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Hong Kong Chapter and served as its President in 2009-2011 and Director of Training in 2007-2009. She was instrumental in developing and launching the Investigations Training programme of the Hong Kong Chapter.
- In 2013-2018, Penny was appointed by the Education Bureau as a member of the Industry Technical Advisory Committee of the Qualifications Framework for Security Services. She led in the establishment of the Specification of Competency Standards (“SCS”). On assignment by the VTC, she authored several SCS-based training packages as essential learning and assessment guidelines for security training. She has also been appointed as the Assessor and Question Writer of the Recognition of Prior Learning Programme under the QF for Security Services since 2021.
Penny received her security training in the Home Office in UK, the Edith Cowan University in Australia, and the University of Louisville in the US. She also holds a Diploma in Adult Education and Training by the HKUSPACE.
Penny is a Fellow Member of IPSA HK, Diplomate of the International Institute of Security, Certified Business Continuity Professional of the Disaster Recovery Institute, and Certified Fraud Examiner of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
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2022.11.04 – 丙類保安工作的最高年齡限制由55 歲提升至60 歲
請參閱:保安及護衞業管理委員會 (SGSIA ) - 簽發保安人員許可證準則 https://www.sb.gov.hk/chi/links/sgsia/pdffile/GN%20-%20Criteria%20for%20Security%20Personnel%20Permit%20(Chi).pdf
2022.11.04 – upper age limit for Cat C security work raised from 55 to 60
Please refer to: SGSIA - Criteria for Issuing a Security Personnel Permit https://www.sb.gov.hk/eng/links/sgsia/pdf/GN%20-%20Criteria%20for%20Security%20Personnel%20Permit%20(Eng).pdf
Education and training institutions can now make use of this VQP to design relevant training courses and security practitioners can also make more structured plans for their career and personal development in the security industry.
The Authority consists of a Chairman and five Members appointed by the
Chief Executive, as well as a representative of the Secretary for Security. A
secretariat has been set up to provide day-to-day administrative support to the
Mr. Stephen YIP Chun-nam, B.B.S, M.H., J.P.
Dr Terence CHAN Ho-wah
Mr YIU Ming, M.H.
The Honourable KWOK Wai-keung, J.P.
Ms KUOK Hui-kwong
Mr LAU Ka-keung, B.B.S, M.H., J.P.
A representative of the Secretary for Security
According to the conviction records in the previous two years published by the Labour Department (https://www.labour.gov.hk/common/osh/pdf/Conviction_record_en.pdf), in April 2023, Thorn Security (Hong Kong) Limited was convicted of an offence of “Failing to ensure workman wearing suitable safety helmet” and fined $6,000.
According to various media reports, the Labour Department has completed its investigation in March this year into the incident at a Maternal and Child Health Centre in Yau Ma Tei on August 15 last year, in which a female security guard was pressed by a toppled leaf of the gate and died. Wise Security Limited, the employer of the female security guard, was summonsed for an offence of “Failing to ensure the safety and health of employees” while four other occupiers were also summonsed. The case is still under trial. (Case reference: KTS 3046-3050/2023).
根據勞工處過往兩年的定罪記錄(https://www.labour.gov.hk/common/osh/pdf/Conviction_record_en.pdf), 2023年4月 Thorn Security (Hong Kong) Limited 被定罪 “Failing to ensure workman wearing suitable safety helmet”及罰款$6000。
而根據各媒體的新聞報導,去年8月15日油麻地母嬰健康院發生鐵閘倒塌事故意外導致一名43歲女保安被壓中身亡事故,勞工處已於今年三月份完成調查,並票控其僱主威智護衛有限公司「沒有確保僱員的安全及健康」,還有其他四個相關的處所佔用人亦被票控,案件尚在審理中(案件編號:KTS 3046- 3050/ 2023)。
Missed this talk?
(1) Opening and introduction
HKQF for Security Services - how to obtain recognition under the "Recognition of Prior Learning" mechanism
(CSI / IPSA HK / HKIOS members, students and employees are encouraged to attend)
Design Thinking: Optimizing Workforce and Improving Operational Efficiency
(For CSI / IPSA HK / HKIOS members, students and employees only)
Design thinking is a people-oriented way of thinking and design that solves problems and innovates. In this seminar, it is our great honor to invite two authorities in design thinking and innovation management – Mr. David Chung and Ms. Yan Choi to introduce design thinking and talk about how to apply it to improve the labor force and operational efficiency of the security industry.
Founder and Managing Partner, InnoEdge Consulting Ltd.
Board Member, Global Innovation Management Institute
Senior Consultant, InnoEdge Consulting Ltd.
Certified Instructor, Design Thinking
Chief Innovation Officer, Shop! Asia
(只供 CSI / IPSA HK / HKIOS 會員、學員及屬員參加)
保安業資歷架構 – 如何透過「過往資歷認可」機制獲取資歷認可?
(歡迎 CSI / IPSA HK / HKIOS 會員、學員、屬員及保安業內人士參加)
2024年8個實體保安趨勢預測 / Top 8 Physical Security
Trends in 2024
- 實體保安的領導者會擴展其部門的IT專業能力
- 保安運作的功能將會擴大,以便應對實體保安風險和利用來自兩個群體的數據
- IT團隊亦會引入實體保安,並開始負上監督實體保安任務
- 選擇採用以穩私為本而設計的解決方案,以便能更佳地控制所收集、處理和共享的數據。
- 與值得信賴的技術供應商合作,確保優化所有防線並強化系統。
- 採取更透明的措施來保護資訊,並分享新科技投資如何增強社區安全的指標。
- 創建合作夥伴計劃讓公民呈報事故、提供回饋和參與社區警務工作。
2023年,31% 的終端用戶表示他們的機構成為網絡犯罪分子的目標。儘管各機構不斷改善網絡安全措施,人們對網絡安全的擔憂程度仍在持續上升。